Living Life In The Fast Lane

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thinking sucks

So let me distract you with this amazing video while I talk about fundraising.  When you donate, you're supporting my journey to have some of these random thoughts along the Boston Marathon route.

Other thoughts will include:

This isn't so bad...
Man, I've totally got this in the bag...
I love Boston!
Yummy - Gu...
Fartlecking really helped me get faster...
Man, Boston is much flatter than San Francisco, I should KILL these charity runners...
2 hours, the Kenyans are about to finish.  Damn them (probably approaching mile 13 by now)...
Just keep running...
Why is that fat guy running faster than me?
I can't let the fat guy beat me - I've worked too hard for this...
Well, maybe he's an IronMan finisher wearing a fat suit for training?
I'll just keep him in my sights and pass him near the finish...
Why is this taking so long?
Oh, outskirts of Boston, should be there soon!
Wait, where am I?
Where's the fat guy?!?!?
COMMONWEALTH AVENUE!  Sweet baby Jesus - the finish must be near!!
Where the hell is the finish line?!?!?
OH, there it is!  I'm coming!!!

I am hoping to raise $2,000 by the end of February and need YOUR help getting there.  Those who have donated thus far mean the world to me and I super appreciate their support!

If you have an extra $20 (or if you found a $50 bill on the ground) and want to be awesome sauce, please donate HERE - thank you in advance, I appreciate you too :)