Living Life In The Fast Lane

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

You'll Always Remember Your First Time...

And I'm still thinking about it.

It was early on a Saturday morning.  Nothing special or particular about the day.  I woke up, questioned whether or not I would be able to do it...asked someone to watch me as I hesitantly attempted my first execution of it, then I did it....30 times.

I did my first unassisted pull-ups.

Having been athletic since my sophomore year of high school, accomplishing this was truly a milestone in my life.  I haven't been able to do more than a half-second dead hang to support my own weight on a bar.  I've been doing Crossfit for over a year, with no avail to overcoming the illusive pull-up.  I've been dreaming of it, fantasizing about it, and finally there it was.  A pull-up.  Then another, and another.  Over and over again I felt the excitement of this repetitive motion until I was exhausted...30 pull-ups later.

Yes, this obviously sounds like I'm comparing pull-ups to "something else" - but if you're like me...never having the ability to do these, and one day, the magic is may as well feel like "the first time."  This was a moment that may stay with me forever.  I've certainly been thinking about it non-stop since it a love-struck pull-up fiend.

What was your first time like?